Call for Abstract

International Conference on Food Chemistry and Hydrocolloids , will be organized around the theme “Recent Advancement and Progress in the field of Food Chemistry and Hydrocolloids”

Food Chemistry 2016 is comprised of 16 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Food Chemistry 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Food chemistry is the study of the chemical composition, processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological components of foods. It includes macro- and micronutrients, and the essential nutritional factors that determine the nutritional and energy value of food raw materials and foods. 

  • Track 1-1 Food and Fruit Chemistry
  • Track 1-2Impact of Chemicals on Food Supply and Quality
  • Track 1-3Food Composition
  • Track 1-4Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis
  • Track 1-5Pigments in Foods
  • Track 1-6Aroma Compounds
  • Track 1-7Maillard Reactions
  • Track 1-8Food Biochemistry

Hydrocolloids or gums are a diverse group of long chain polymers characterized by their property of forming viscous dispersions and/or gels when dispersed in water. They produce a dispersion, which is intermediate between a true solution and a suspension, and exhibits the properties of a colloid. Considering these properties, they are appropriately termed as ‘hydrophilic colloids’ or ‘hydrocolloids’. Hydrocolloids have a wide array of functional properties in foods including thickening, gelling, emulsifying, stabilization, coating and etc.. The primary reason behind the ample use of hydrocolloids in foods is their ability to modify the rheology of food systems. This includes two basic properties of food systems that is, flow behaviour (viscosity) and mechanical solid property (texture).

  • Track 2-1Origin and Structure of Hydrocolloids
  • Track 2-2Structural Characterization of Established Food Hydrocolloids
  • Track 2-3Isolation Procedures, Chemical and Physicochemical Characterization
  • Track 2-4Gelling Mechanisms
  • Track 2-5Colloid Stability and Organoleptic Properties
  • Track 2-6Act of Hydrocolloids during Fat and Water crystallization
  • Track 2-7Hydrocolloids as Edible Films and Coatings
  • Track 2-8Health Benefits of Hydrocolloids
  • Track 2-9New sources, new materials and new technology

Year by year, more and more of the food we eat is processed - canned, frozen, dehydrated, smoked, or otherwise treated so that it can be conserved. Consumers are already well aware of the importance of retaining the vitamin content in stored and processed foods. But now it is beginning to demand similar progress toward making these foods more palatable by incorporating flavor chemistry in food science.

As a result, research programs are being set up with the sole objective of studying one of the most important constituents of our daily food-flavor. Plant physiologists, agricultural scientists, food industries, nutritionists, and medical workers are engaged in this work. They mean to find out what processes are involved in food ripening, how flavor is formed, how it behaves during processing, how it stands up 'under storage and marketing conditions, and how it can be improved.

  • Track 3-1Food Flavoring- Composition,Manufacture and Use
  • Track 3-2Flavor Technology
  • Track 3-3Flavor Analysis
  • Track 3-4Wine Flavor Chemistry
  • Track 3-5Flavor mechanism in Food
  • Track 3-6Flavorists and Flavor Creations

Food hydrocolloids have been widely used in the food industry for their gelling, thickening, emulsifying, dispersing, and stabilizing functions. Food hydrocolloids control the texture and at the same time they control flavour and aroma release which has also been studied extensively. Methods of investigation are very diverse ranging from physics to biological chemistry, and it is necessary for workers in this field to learn various methods. Collaboration between academia and industry is necessary to further develop understanding and application of food hydrocolloids. The viewpoints of both unity and diversity are necessary for the study of food hydrocolloids. The food hydrocolloids approach proposes that these hydrocolloids can be studied from a unified viewpoint: all these dispersed systems are colloidal systems consisting of water, polysaccharides, proteins, lipids and other ingredients. Hydrocolloids in this context include polysaccharides, modified polysaccharides and proteins acting alone, or in mixture with other food components, as thickening agents, gelling agents or surface acting agents. The scope of the study was to exploit the real and model food colloids, dispersions, emulsions, and forms and the associated physicochemical stability phenomena, creaming, sedimentation, flocculation and coalescence. 

  • Track 4-1Hydrocolloids Formulations
  • Track 4-2Hydrocolloids in the Production of Special Products
  • Track 4-3Functionality Of Hydrocolloids In The Final Food Product
  • Track 4-4Hydrocolloids as Food Recipes and Formulating Agents
  • Track 4-5Applications and Challengess
  • Track 4-6Cooling Technologies
  • Track 4-7High Viscosity Hydrophillic Colloid
  • Track 4-8Gum Technology in Food Industry
  • Track 4-9 Microgels
  • Track 4-10Food and Non-Food Application

A staple food is one that is eaten regularly and in such quantities as to constitute the dominant part of the diet and supply a major proportion of energy and nutrient needs. A staple food does not meet a population's total nutritional needs: a variety of foods is required. This is particularly the case for children and other nutritionally vulnerable groups. Typically, staple foods are well adapted to the growth conditions in their source areas. For example, they may be tolerant of drought, pests or soils low in nutrients. Farmers often rely on staple crops to reduce risk and increase the resilience of their agricultural systems. Most people live on a diet based on one or more of the following staples: rice, wheat, maize (corn), millet, sorghum, roots and tubers (potatoes, cassava, yams and taro), and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs, cheese and fish.

 Seafood as a whole food is highly nutritious. Benefits to human health associated with the consumption of seafood are noted for multiple bodily organs and physiological functions. Seafood compares favourably with other protein sources as it offers superior macronutrients in the ideal form of lean proteins combined with healthy omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LCPUFAs),and a wide array of highly bioavailable micronutrients.


  • Track 5-1Cereal Processing
  • Track 5-2Cereal Chemistry:Product Development
  • Track 5-3Research, Quality Control and Assurance
  • Track 5-4Seafood Nutrients and Fish Oil
  • Track 5-5Seafoods: Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Track 5-6Sea Food Health Risk
  • Track 5-7Seafood and Staple food:Production, Handling and Processing
  • Track 5-8Seafood and Staple food:Industries and Related Business

Poultry is a major source of consumable animal protein. For example, per capita consumption of poultry in the United States has more than quadrupled since the end of World War II, as the industry developed a highly efficient production system. Chickens and turkeys are the most common sources of poultry; however, other commercially available poultry meats come from ducks, geese, pigeons, quails, pheasants, ostriches, and emus.

  • Track 6-1Chemical Characteristics and properties
  • Track 6-2Meat and poultry solutions and chemicals
  • Track 6-3Engineering and equipment
  • Track 6-4Biochemical changes
  • Track 6-5Kitchen Chemistry
  • Track 6-6Product Evaluation
  • Track 6-7Food Safety
  • Track 6-8Processed Products
Food rheology is the study of the rheological properties of food, that is, the consistency and flow of food under tightly specified conditions. The consistency, degree of fluidity, and other mechanical properties are important in understanding how long food can be stored, how stable it will remain, and in determining food texture. The acceptability of food products to the consumer is often determined by food texture, such as how spreadable and creamy a food product is. Food rheology is important in quality control during food manufacture and processing. Food rheology terms have been noted since ancient times.
Multiple chemical reactions take place in food. While some reactions are necessary to produce the compound responsible for flavour texture and nutritional quality, others results in spoilage and undesirable, harmful substances. Chemical reaction occurs when sufficient energy is brought to the molecules of one or several compounds in proximity of each other, producing collisions that result in breakage or formation of bonds among the atoms in those molecules. 
  • Track 7-1Rheology of Food Particles
  • Track 7-2Food Enzyme Kinetics
  • Track 7-3Immobilized Enzymes and Cells
  • Track 7-4Food Enzymes and Reaction Mechanisms
  • Track 7-5Rheology of Extrusion Processes
  • Track 7-6Chemical and Enzymatic Reactions of Interest to Food Processing
Food preservation usually involves preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts), or other micro-organisms (although some methods work by introducing bacteria or fungi to the food), as well as retarding the oxidation of fats that cause rancidity. Food preservation may also include processes that inhibit visual deterioration, Many processes designed to preserve food  involves a number of food preservation methods.. Some traditional methods of preserving food have been shown to have a lower energy input and carbon footprint, when compared to modern methods Maintaining or creating nutritional value, texture and flavor is an important aspect of food preservation, although, historically, some methods drastically altered the character of the food being preserved. In many cases these changes have come to be seen as desirable qualities
Whereas Food logistics is both a traditional domestic skill and is important industrially. Transport and storing of food as well as timely delivery to consumers is important in order to secure the procurement of food. Food is stored by almost every human society and by many animals. 
  • Track 8-1Freezing Effects on Foods and Freeze Concentration of Liquids
  • Track 8-2Drying of Foods and Crops
  • Track 8-3Vitamin Interactions and Preservation during Food Processing
  • Track 8-4Stability and Degradation of Processed Food during Storage
  • Track 8-5Food Contamination
  • Track 8-6Flavors and Sensorial Perception of Foods during Storage
  • Track 8-7Traditional Methods
  • Track 8-8Plant Defence Mechanisms and Enzymatic Transformation Products and their Potential applications in Food Preservation: Advantages and Limitations
  • Track 8-9Shelf life and storage of food

Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food (e.g. phytonutrients, anthocyanins, tannins, etc.) in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism. It includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion. The diet of an organism is what it eats, which is largely determined by the availability, processing and palatability of foods. A healthy diet includes preparation of food and storage methods that preserve nutrients from oxidation, heat or leaching, and that reduce risk of food-borne illnesses. A poor diet may have an injurious impact on health, causing deficiency diseases such as blindness, anemia, scurvy, preterm birth, stillbirth and cretinism

  • Track 9-1Nutrient Bioavailability
  • Track 9-2Food Science of Animal Resources
  • Track 9-3Carbohydrates Structure and Interactions with Water and Proteins
  • Track 9-4Lipids Structures and Interactions with Water and Food Proteins
  • Track 9-5Food Protein Denaturation
  • Track 9-6Interaction of Salts and Minerals with Food Proteins and Water
  • Track 9-7Divergence and Convergence in Nutrition Science
  • Track 9-8Metabolomics of Carotenoids: The Challenges and Prospects
  • Track 9-9Role of Food and Nutrition in Health
  • Track 9-10 Vitamins and Minerals

A food property characterizes the structure, quality, nutritional value, and/or acceptability of a food product. A food functional property is determined by physical, chemical, and/or organoleptic properties of a food. Examples of a functional property may include solubility, absorption, water retention, frothing ability, elasticity, and absorptive capacity for fats and foreign particles. Different foods have different working properties when treated in certain ways or combined with other foods.

  • Track 10-1Food Proteins Structure, Hydration and Functionality in Foods
  • Track 10-2Disulfide Bond Breaking and Formation in Foods
  • Track 10-3Structure-Functionality in Foods
  • Track 10-4Cross-Linking in Foods
  • Track 10-5Functionality in Complex Food Systems
  • Track 10-6Opportunities and Challenges
  • Track 10-7Ergometric Studies of Proteins

"Bioactive compounds" are extranutritional constituents that typically occur in small quantities in foods. They are being intensively studied to evaluate their effects on health. The impetus sparking this scientific inquiry was the result of many epidemiologic studies that have shown protective effects of plant-based diets on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer. Many bioactive compounds have been discovered. These compounds vary widely in chemical structure and function and are grouped accordingly. Phenolic compounds, including their subcategory, flavonoids, are present in all plants and have been studied extensively in cereals, legumes, nuts, olive oil, vegetables, fruits, tea, and red wine. 

  • Track 11-1Phenolic compounds,Beta-Glucans & Glycoproteins
  • Track 11-2Phytochemicals
  • Track 11-3Botanicals
  • Track 11-4Nutrients and Non-Nutrient Bioactive Compounds
  • Track 11-5Organosulfur Compounds
  • Track 11-6Bioactive Foods & Health Benefits
  • Track 11-7Epigenetic Modifications
  • Track 11-8Ultrasound for the Extraction, Identification and Delivery of Food Proteins and Bioactive Peptides
Food fortification or enrichment is the process of adding micronutrients (essential trace elements and vitamins) to food. It may be a purely commercial choice to provide extra nutrients in a food, while other times it is a public health policy which aims to reduce the number of people with dietary deficiencies within a population. Diets that lack variety can be deficient in certain nutrients. Sometimes the staple foods of a region can lack particular nutrients, due to the soil of the region or because of the inherent inadequacy of the normal diet. Addition of micronutrients to staples and condiments can prevent large-scale deficiency diseases in these cases.
Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients, by physical or chemical means into food, or of food into other forms. Food processing combines raw food ingredients to produce marketable food products that can be easily prepared and served by the consumer. Benefits of food processing include toxin removal, preservation, easing marketing and distribution tasks, and increasing food consistency. 
  • Track 12-1Materials,Methods and Equipments
  • Track 12-2Processing effects:Pluses and Minuses
  • Track 12-3Effects of Processing on Nutritional Composition of Food
  • Track 12-4Food Packaging and its Impact
  • Track 12-5Food Fortification,Enrichment and Supplimentation
  • Track 12-6Waste Management of Food Products
  • Track 12-7Safety Assessment of Nanocomposite for Food Packaging Application
  • Track 12-8Application of Modified Atmosphere Packaging as a Safety Approach to Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables

As the economies of many countries are increasing, the consumers have started using processed food more than the staples. As a matter of fact global food processing and packaging business has reached to multi trillion dollars. It was reported that approximately, 16 million people work in the food industry. Recent advances in food processing and packaging is not just to meet the productivity demands but to adopt sophisticated automation, control and monitoring methods and techniques. This paper reviews aspects of food processing and packaging methods and techniques. There are many significant amount of processing and packaging research and developments which involve study of automation, control and monitoring

  • Track 13-1Food Micro- and Nano- Structure
  • Track 13-2Microencapsulation and Bioencapsulation of Food
  • Track 13-3Genetically Modified Food
  • Track 13-4Advancement in Science and Chemistry Research
  • Track 13-5Significant Improvements to Existing Methods
  • Track 13-6Food Oral Processing: Mechanisms and Implications of Food Oral Destruction
  • Track 13-7Bacteriophage Encapsulation: Trends and Potential Applications
  • Track 13-8Design Thinking and Food Innovation
  • Track 13-9New Product Development
  • Track 13-10Plant as Nutraceutical

Food processing  equipment’s and latest techniques  that are being used in the field of Food science and technology along with food industries and the study about the principles, operation and maintenance of food processing equipment’s.

  • Track 14-1 Ultraviolet Irradiation
  • Track 14-2Microscopy and Spectroscopy
  • Track 14-3Application of RFID in Agri-Food Sector
  • Track 14-4Microbial Decontamination of Food by Electron Beam Irradiation
  • Track 14-5Separation of Functional Macromolecules and Micromolecules: From Ultrafiltration to the Border of Nanofiltration
  • Track 14-6Hyperspectral Imaging Technology for Rapid Detection of Various Microbial Contaminants in Agricultural and Food Products
  • Track 14-7Statistical Process Control Implementation in the Food Industry
  • Track 14-8Supplementation Techniques
  • Track 14-9Biosensors and Other Devices

Food Dairy science mainly focuses on the application of biological and chemical principles to the production ,management and handling of dairy products.

  • Track 15-1Nutrition and Health
  • Track 15-2Milk Processing and Quality Management
  • Track 15-3Stewardship and Sustainability of Dairy products and Farms
  • Track 15-4Product Innovation and Scope
  • Track 15-5Dairy Products: Trends and Issues
  • Track 15-6Rheology of Milk

After three decades of declining relevance, food  is once more at the center of the global agenda. To meet the demands of a growing global population, in the next 40 years alone the food and agriculture industry will need to generate outputs that are equivalent to its total production over the last 10,000. But increasing regulation and resource constraints are accelerating the level of uncertainty and volatility in the sector.

We have created a unique perspective on value creation pools and investment opportunities in food and agriculture. We bring this perspective to our work to invite  private equity groups and financial investors—and to our work supporting industry players as they plan for strategic growth.